Why Tarot Reading is the Hottest Tool for Self-Care

Tarot cards are sold at TJ Maxx and Urban Outfitters. Tarot reading has become a popular self-care tool for the mainstream.

So Why Did Tarot Become Viral?

There are 23,900,000 Search results for tarot self-care on Google. Tarot took over TikTok. Vogue premiered a Dior Spring 2021 collection with tarot themes.

No longer relegated to the occult section and what the “angsty” people do. When friends find out I can read tarot, they ask for a reading on the spot. People are describing it as fun, calming, and profound.

Pick a Tarot Card

Feelings Factor

Tarot can help to process feelings. The major themes of money, power, death, loss, and journeys answer recurring questions about life. It’s as simple as picking a card.

Cards have pictures and words that are open-ended. The personal message is deciphered by the individual. They make sense of the cards.

Through the darkness the cards offer them a light. It can be brutally honest or a simple nudge in the direction needed to re-focus [their] thoughts.

A tarot researcher, Maeria believes tarot makes people feel good. With COVID-19, political upheavals, and economic uncertainty; tarot has become a touchstone.

Tarot reader Hija de Yamaya agrees, “Through the darkness the cards offer them a light. It can be brutally honest or a simple nudge in the direction needed to re-focus [their] thoughts.”

Emotional Connection to Familiar

Cartomancy is not a new concept. It is a variation on an old theme. Tarot cards are popular because people love being surprised by familiarity.

The 60-second clips on TikTok showing tarot pulls that become daily routine. The answers to general questions like “What do you have for people to see?” or “Is someone is lying to you?” appeal to many viewers. Tarot readers can help connect conscious and subconscious desires.

“Not all readers are the same nor do they read the same,” says Hija de Yamaya. She advises anyone looking for a tarot reading to find someone they connect with so they can talk freely.

Easy Access

Tarot is accessible. Deep revelations await at the turn of card without the hefty therapy bill. Though tarot is not a substitution for therapy, it’s free on TikTok.

For those who don’t mind paying, there’s a 9-week online course at 22 Teachings Tarot School.

I bought a Rider-Waite tarot deck and never looked back. Naha Armady taught me how to read tarot online from the comfort of my couch.

If tarot can bring light to the dark, it is no wonder that many seek its warmth.

Each day, we read tarot cards. Week after week the 8 of swords card appeared. The card depicts a blindfolded person with hands tied behind their back surrounded by swords.

Tarot card for Self-reflection, 8 of swords

The cards were not wrong. I was trapped in the Titanic of a relationship. It was going down with me in the boat.

It helped me process an emotion I could not recognize. I learned to reconnect with my own feelings and needs. I moved on from that relationship.

If tarot can bring light to the dark, it is no wonder that many seek its warmth. I hope tarot can be useful for those seeking self-care options also. Best wishes on your personal journey.

If you want to read more about tarot click here.

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